Welcome and Plenary Session 1
Session Chair: Yiping Qi
Time | Event |
15:30 | Registration opens |
17:00 | Welcome and IUFRO overview |
17:10 | PS1 Plenary Presentation: What’s up with Lignin? A romp through John Ralph, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
18:15-20:15 | Opening reception |
Session 1: Biological and ecological insights from Omics
Session Chairs: CJ Tsai; Igor Yakolev
Time | Event |
8:30 | Welcome & Announcements |
8:40 | 1.1 Keynote Presentation: Abiotic Stress Response and Memory Acquisition Processes in Pine Species Mónica Meijón, University of Oviedo |
9:05 | 1.2 Keynote presentation: Beyond GWAS: gaining insights into gene setsa using multi-omic networks David Kainer, University of Queensland |
9:30 | 1.3 Early Career Keynote Presentation: Telomere-to-Telomere Insights: The Evolution and Organization of Populus Centromeres and Abundant Tandem Repeat Arrays Ran Zhou, University of Georgia |
9:55 | Coffee Break |
10:25 | 1.4 Using landscape genomics to explore the genotype-environment Zhengyang Ye, University of British Columbia |
10:45 | 1.5 Annual dynamics of the transcriptomes and the DNA methylation in spruce epitypes Igor Yakolev, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research |
11:05 | 1.6 Why is amenability to transformation so variable? Phenomic system development and GWAS studies of in planta and in vitro regeneration and transformation in Populus trichocarpa Steve Strauss, Oregon State University |
11:25 | 1.7 Single-cell genomics of Populus lignified stems reveals distinct cell Henry Schmidt, University of Florida |
11:45 | 1.8 Regulation of Secondary Cell Wall Biosynthesis by a GATA Transcription Factor in Populus Jay Chen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
12:05 | Lunch |
Session 2: Advancing technologies for targeted trait manipulation and applicability to diverse tree species
Session Chairs: Yiping Qi; Gen Li
Time | Event |
13:35 | 2.1 Keynote Presentation: Coding and non-coding transcripts reveal Sandra Correia, University of Coimbra |
14:00 | 2.2 Keynote Presentation: In vitro flowering as a design-build-test-learn chassis for reproductive trait engineering in poplar Chung-Jui Tsai, University of Georgia |
14:25 | 2.3 ECR Keynote Presentation: Simultaneous activation of multiple genes boosts poplar regeneration and growth using CRISPR-Combo Gen Li, University of Maryland |
14:50 | Coffee Break |
15:20 | 2.4 Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) as a model conifer species for tree biotechnology Yoshihiko Nanasato, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute |
15:40 | 2.5 Developing new capabilities for poplar genetic engineering Xiaohan Yang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
16:00 | 2.6 CRISPR Hybrid Guides for Enhanced Multiplex Mutagenesis in Eucalyptus Protoplasts Carlos Cofre-Vega, North Carolina State University |
16:20 | 2.7 Back to the future: A co-transformation approach with Agrobacterium T-DNA genes promotes regeneration of transgenic woody plants Greg Goralogia, Oregon State University |
16:40 | Poster Session (odd number posters; The session ends at 18:30) |
Session 3: Genes, development, and physiology
Session Chairs: Antanas Spokevicius; Amy Brunner
Time | Event |
8:30 | Welcome & Announcements |
8:40 | 3.1 Keynote Presentation: Genetic and epigenetic regulation of Wei Li, Northeast Forestry University |
9:05 | 3.2 Keynote Presentation: The form of a tree: Strigolactone-deficient tree mutant reveals a connection between higher order branching and a decreased auxin gradient along the main stem Kaisa Nieminen, University of Helsinki |
9:30 | 3.3 ECR Keynote Presentation: To grow up or grow out: The regulation and manipulation of branch orientation in fruit trees Courtney Hollander, Michigan State University |
9:55 | Coffee Break |
10:25 | 3.4 Exploring the Multifaceted Roles of Xylem-Biased SULTR3s in Populus Samantha Surber, University of Georgia |
10:45 | 3.5 The Role of FT-like Genes in Aspen Tree Local Adaptation Lee Keh Chien, Umeå Plant Science Centre |
11:05 | 3.6 Fantastic HD-ZIPIII and PIN genes and where to find them- Molecular regulators of wound-induced secondary vascular tissue regeneration Antanas Spokevicius, University of Melbourne |
11:25 | 3.7 Unraveling gene regulatory networks governing cork development and drought response in cork oak Pedro M. Barros, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa |
11:45 | 3.8 Identification of the molecular drivers of the poplar adaptation to drought by single-nuclei transcriptomics Daniel Conde, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Instituto Nacional de |
12:05 | Lunch |
Session 4: Translating genomics and biotechnology to practice
Session Chairs: Ed Eisenstein; Gary Coleman
Time | Event |
13:35 | 4.1 Keynote Presentation: Genome Editing: A new Mutagenesis Tool for Tree Breeding in Arauco Claudio Balocchi, Bioforest Arauco |
14:10 | 4.2 Keynote Presentation: Engineering citrus disease resistance via transgene-free CRISPR genome editing Nian Wang, University of Florida |
14:35 | 4.3 Keynote Presentation: Regulation of Genetically Engineered Organisms under USDA’s Modernized Biotechnology Regulations Sarah Prewitt, USDA-APHIS |
15:00 | Coffee Break |
15:20 | 4.4 Genotyping-by-sequencing to assess genetic variation in Anchal Rana, Forest Research Institute |
15:40 | 4.5 Engineering Tree Metal Pathways to Enhance Carbon Sequestration and Retention Yongxian Lu, Living Carbon PBC |
16:00 | 4.6 Sustainable weed control strategy with glyphosate-tolerant genetically modified Eucalyptus Rodrigo Neves Graca, FuturaGene/Suzano |
16:20 | WG 2.04.06 Business Meeting |
16:40 | Poster Session (even number posters; The session ends at 18:30) |
Plenary Session 2
Session Chair: Heather Coleman
Time | Event |
8:30 | Welcome and Announcements |
8:40 | PS2 Plenary Presentation: Natural molecular genetic variation of forest trees – a cornucopia or a nuisance? Tanja Pyhäjärvi, University of Helsinki |
Session 5: Trees in a changing world
Session Chairs: Amanda De La Torre; Sanushka Naidoo
Time | Event |
9:35 | 5.1 Keynote Presentation: The defensome of Eucalyptus reveals core resistance mechanisms against pathogens Sanushka Naidoo, University of Pretoria |
10:00 | 5.2 Keynote Presentation: Elucidating the effect of single gene modifications on drought stress tolerance of poplars (Populus) Tobias Bruegmann, Thünen Institute of Forest Genetics |
10:25 | Coffee Break |
10:55 | 5.3 Rewatering following exposure to combined drought stress and pathogen infection triggers distinct transcriptomic changes indicating a trade-off between stress response and growth in Eucalyptus grandis Demissew Tesfaye Teshome, University of Pretoria |
11:15 | 5.4 Host molecular responses clarify roles for ophiostomatoid fungal Janice Cooke, University of Alberta |
11:35 | 5.5 Understanding White pine blister Resistance using a Multi-omics Approach Amanda De La Torre, Northern Arizona University |
11:55 | 5.6 Exploring Phenolic Composition and Resistance in Wood-Transformed Hybrid Aspen Trees Benedicte Riber Albrectsen, Umeå Plant Science Centre |
12:15 | Lunch |
Session 6: Genetic and phenotypic diversity for breeding and genomic selection
Session Chairs: Carsten Külheim; Benedicte Albrechtsen
Time | Event |
13:35 | 6.1 Keynote Presentation: Nanopore direct total RNA sequencing via poly modified-adenosine tailing Yinan Yuan, Michigan Technological University |
14:00 | 6.2 ECR Keynote Presentation: PacBio sequencing for Spanish fir resilience: Genomic insights for sustainable forest management Vanessa Castro Rodriguez, Universidad de Málaga |
14:25 | 6.3 ECR Keynote Presentation: Development of KASP markers for gene stacking disease resistance in Pinus taeda Trevor Walker, North Carolina State University |
14:50 | Coffee Break |
15:20 | 6.4 Decoding Genetic Basis of Dwarfism in Loblolly Pine Pinar Guner, North Carolina State University |
15:40 | 6.5 Relatedness matrix and selection index applied to genetic improvement of pine for timber |
16:00 | 6.6 Progeny Clonal Field Trials: a breakthrough (and challenging) Bruno Marco de Lima, Bracell |
16:20 | Conference Awards |
16:50 | Break |
18:00 | Conference Dinner (at Buddy's Crabs & Ribs) |
Session 7: Biotechnology for biomaterials and bioeconomy
Session Chairs: Jack Wang; Heather Coleman
Time | Event |
8:30 | Welcome & Announcements |
8:40 | 7.1 Keynote Presentation: Enhanced Resistance Pines for Improved Renewable Biofuel and Chemical Production Gary Peter, University of Florida |
9:05 | 7.2 Keynote Presentation: Towards Transgene-Free Multiplex CRISPR-Cas Genome Mutagenesis in Eucalyptus Jack Wang, North Carolina State University |
9:30 | 7.3 Keynote Presentation: Enhancing monolignol ferulate conjugate levels in poplar lignin via OsFMT1 Faride Unda, University of British Columbia |
9:55 | Coffee Break |
10:25 | 7.4 Unravelling the plant cell wall polysaccharides – a pathway to plant-based fuels and products for a sustainable bio-economy Ajaya K Biswal, University of Georgia |
10:45 | 7.5 R2R3 MYB transcription factors, MYB010 and MYB128, regulate the formation of cross-laminated secondary cell wall structure in aspen wood Naoki Takata, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute |
11:05 | 7.6 Multiplex CRISPR editing of wood for sustainable fiber production Daniel Barletta Sulis, North Carolina State University |
11:25 | 7.7. Closing Keynote: Improving wood quality: from gene discovery in Arabidopsis to GM trees in the field Wout Boerjan, Ghent University, VIB |
12:05 – 12:15 | Closing |
August 4-8, 2024
Annapolis, MD, USA